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Cheshire Independent Agents are ready to help you.  We have a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills giving you the confidence with your everyday money matters, benefit entitlements and future planning.  Contact us today and together we can help you take control of your finances.


Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for people who may need help with daily activities or getting around because of a long-term illness or disability. 


PIP has two parts; a daily living component which is either £72.65 or £108.75 per week and a mobility component which is £28.70 or £75.75 per week.


has replaced Disability Living Allowance for anyone making a new claim.

For a Free Consultation to check if you are able to claim this benefit -

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A little extra money can go a long way. Attendance Allowance (AA) helps with extra costs if you are over 65 with a long-term health condition or disability that makes everyday tasks difficult. It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your health condition.

You could get £72.65 or £108.55 a week to help with personal support.

Attendance Allowance is not means tested and it doesn’t matter if you have an income, savings, assets or investments.  You can use it in any way you like to meet your needs and stay independent in your own home. The money doesn’t have to be spent on a carer.


For a Free Consultation to check if you are able to claim this benefit -

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Lasting Power of Attorney (LPOA) for financial decisions can cover things such as: buying or selling property, paying a mortgage, investing money, paying bills and arranging repairs to a property. Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare can cover important issues such as: where you should live, your medical care, what you should eat, who you should have contact with, and what kind of social activities you should take part in.


For a free consultation to learn more about this service -

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Carer's Allowance is a welfare benefit to help carers. You may still be able to claim it, even if you don’t think of yourself as a carer. You don't have to be related to or live with the person you care for to claim Carer's Allowance. It's extra money each week for you to use as you want or need to. You'll also get National Insurance credits each week towards your pension if you're under pension age.

Carer’s Allowance is worth £81.80 per week and paid every four weeks. If you think you won’t be eligible to claim Carer’s Allowance because you have some savings, don’t worry. Your savings and your National Insurance record won’t make a difference to your claim.


For a Free Consultation to check if you are able to claim this benefit -

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Our dedicated team can provide practical support for your money management needs. We take the stress out of everyday money matters with organising paperwork, setting up simple filing systems, and arrange easy and simple bill payments.

For a Free Consultation to check how we can help you today -

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If you require support with any other financial issue, please get in touch to find out how we can help.

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it is the most natural thing in the world to want to pass down your hard earned assets to your children.  We can help you make sure your family’s inheritance is not lost or diminished because of a change in either your or their circumstances.

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A prepaid funeral plan is an arrangement which enables you to settle the cost of a funeral director’s services at today’s prices. The plan is tailored to your needs and guarantees that on the day, your personal wishes are carried out.

You will have complete peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will not need to worry about any expenses or stress at what will already be a very difficult time. With all the arrangements in place, your loved ones just need to make one call.

There are no health checks involved or upper age restrictions; you can get the cover you need today!


For a Free Consultation to learn more about this service -

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Making a Will is one of THE most important things that you can do for your family.  If you die intestate your assets will be distributed according to the Rules of Intestacy rather than your wishes.  To avoid the risk of leaving your family with the burden of untangling your estate, then contact us today.

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